Megan and Stephen

Remembering Bradleigh 💗💙 🦋

Megan and Stephen have experienced the delivery of beautiful baby Bradleigh here in The National Maternity Hospital. She has kindly shared her story in order to support the work of the NMH Foundation and to reach out to other families who have experienced the loss of a beloved baby. ❤️

“My Holles Street story started on Thursday 21st of September 2023. My own doctors had noticed my baby’s heart was missing chambers and had some fluid on the back of the head. I had my first appointment with The NMH Fetal Medicine where it was confirmed my baby had half a heart and a list of abnormalities. I had an Amniocentesis test that day to try help us figure out what genetic condition my baby had, the Doctor also was able to tell us our little baby was a beautiful little boy.

We had appointments every two weeks to keep a close eye on the baby’s heart. We had an appointment with the Cardiologist who told us some options we would have in the future, our baby’s heartbeat was always so perfect even though it was only half a heart.

We had a few tests done from the Genetic Doctor Sam and Principal Genetic Counsellor Sinead. I also had an MRI done on our baby to help identify his syndrome.

Sadly, my beautiful baby Bradleigh’s heart stopped beating on Saturday the 5th of November 2023. His precious heart kept beating for 7 months. He was born sleeping on the 9th of November 2023, he weighed 3lbs 5 Oz, a big 28 weeker.

After Bradleigh’s passing Dr Sam and Counsellor Sinead had us called back up where they were able to inform us that Bradleigh had CHARGE Syndrome.

The medical staff also informed us of our future care, that we would be offered tests that we can have in the future.

I can say that every person I met in Holles Street, from the staff at the reception, Midwifes, Nurses and Doctors, they were absolutely amazing to my partner and I. What they offer is amazing to any family going through something so heartbreaking.

Following my experience and the exceptional care I received in The NMH, I wanted to do a fundraiser for the NMH Foundation to help other families in The National Maternity Hospital.”

Megan ❤️


You can join our ‘Walk to Remember’ and walk 100,000 steps in October by joining our private Facebook group to sign up: 

This fundraising event allows family and friends to honour and remember babies who have sadly passed away due to miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death and other causes of infant loss by providing assistance to other families grieving their loss. More info here.